Finishing School

senior acting


Finishing School Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4 - 20 years onwards A student can join directly at this level after auditions and meeting necessary requirements mentioned below)

Qualifying Criteria...

To gain admittance into this section, a candidate must fulfill these prerequisites:

i. Must have completed Class X examinations.

ii. Good command over any one of these languages – English, Hindi or Bengali.

iii. Good command over any one of these languages – English, Hindi or Bengali.

iii. Willing to appear for an audition and interview.


Points to Keep In Mind


1.  Persona is not an "extracurricular" or "hobby club". This course is a professional course A student's progress is strictly monitored based on certain professionally set rubrics.

2.  90% attendance is essential to qualify any level.

3.  Other requirements are – Submission of assignments, standard of self-development, standard of aptitude for the Life Skills required for that level.

4.  Life Skills training forms an integral part of the instruction method and is assessed at regular intervals.

5.  Counseling sessions are available for all students of Persona. However, prior appointment is necessary.

6.  Faculty retains the right to prevent students from appearing for examination if they feel the development of the student is not up to the mark. This decision can be taken by the Faculty even after a student has paid the examination fees, though the student will be made aware of this ‘possibility of failure to qualify’ before the fees are paid.

7.  Each level is for a duration of 6 months.

8.  The Persona courses are for those who want to use these skills for their professional development and to widen their scope of success in any area, both personal and professional, not only within our borders but also beyond.

9.  Persona courses provide a good groundwork for admission in various other Institutes for Theatre & Communication worldwide, although a qualification from Persona is sufficient by itself.

10.  Besides attending classes regularly, students are expected to apportion time to work on their own to develop their skills.

11.  All assignments need to be submitted before a student is allowed to appear for assessments.

12.  Regular assessments will be made by the Faculty, with or without the student's knowledge, and detailed feedback will be given to the students.

13.  The Persona examinations are performance-based. There is no written examination. The examinees, however, will have to submit a folder of work regarding which they will be guided by the Faculty.



Frequently Asked Questions


What will the students be doing?...

Ans.  The teaching will take shape in any of the following formats:

  •     Faculty-facilitated class activities
  •     Faculty-facilitated individual tutorials if necessary
  •     Research projects
  •     Collaborative learning, including workshops, rehearsals
  •     Non-mediated student learning to encourage self-reflective practice.
  •     Peer evaluations - a central part of training in an ensemble situation

How big are the classes?...

Ans.  We admit only 16 students per batch. These courses need personalized training and large class strengths do not work well.

Who will be teaching the students?...

Ans.  All members of the Faculty are qualified and certified professionals from the University of West London & Trinity College, London.

Where will the students study?...

Ans.  Studio 3C, Beside Reliance Digital Building, Gariahat Road (near Gariahat Crossing), Kolkata - 700019

How will the students be assessed?...

Ans.  Students will be assessed continuously during all classes and rehearsals. There will also be summative assessment which takes place at the end of each term

A Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) will also be mailed to parents/students at the end of each session

Who will award the certificates?...

Ans.  These certificates will be given by the Persona signed by the esteemed Trainers.



Areas covered in each level


Here's what you learn...

Finishing School Level 1
      i.  Session 1 & 2 – Understanding Your Personality
      ii.  Session 3 & 4 – Basic Skin & Hair Care
      iii.  Session 5 & 6 – Motivating Oneself & Setting Goals That Work
      iv.  Session 7 & 8 – Basic Communication Skills
      v.  Assessment Session

Finishing School Level 2
      i.  Session 9 & 10 – Resolving Conflicts Advantageously at Home & Outside
      ii.  Session 11 & 12 – Basic Points To Keep In Mind When Decorating Interiors
      iii.  Session 13 & 14 – Basic care for Hand & Feet
      iv.  Session 15 & 16 – What Not To Wear
      v.  Assessment Session

Finishing School Level 3
      i.  Session 17 & 18 – Managing Stress & Time
      ii.  Session 19 & 20 – Table Manners – Western & Indian
      iii.  Session 21 & 22 – Mindfulness
      iv.  Session 23 & 24 – Making Some Quick & Impressive Menu
      v.  Assessment Session

Finishing School Level 4
      i.  Session 25 & 26 – The best Makeup For Your Skin Type
      ii.  Session 27 & 28 – Basic budgeting
      iii.  Session 29 & 30 – Advanced Communication Skills
      iv.  Session 31 & 32 – A Diet That Works For Your Body Type
      v.  Assessment Session




Some Salient Points


These might help to answer some of your questions....

1.  Classes will begin dot on time. Please come in 5 minutes earlier.

2.  If a faculty member is unable to conduct a class for some reason, a make-up class will be scheduled immediately.

3.  If students miss a class, they must connect with others to find out what has been taught, and check Google Classroom to download and finish assignments to be ready and up to date for the next class. They can ask their classmates for help in understanding something, and if they can’t, the Faculty will try to take out some extra time for them, but this cannot be a regular feature as our schedules are already packed.

4.  There will be one class per week for the duration of an hour or a little more.

5.  All assignments and extra reading material as well as videos and handouts will be sent to through Google Classroom. You will be informed of your code. Whenever a member of the faculty, posts something on Google Classroom, a WhatsApp message will be immediately sent to you.

6.  Finishing all Assignments on time is essential for qualifying for the examinations.

7.  As in every kind of learning the Faculty can only give in 10%. We give 20%. The rest of the 80% will depend on the student – how quick and well the advancement and learning are.

8.  Fees are payable by the 5th of every month. A note will be sent to on WhatsApp to remind you of this at the beginning of every month. For late fees, Rs 100/- will be added for each day's delay.

9.  This is an institute with regular classes. If students fail to pay fees for an entire month, or attend classes, they will have to re-register to start attending classes again.

10.  The training will be through audio-visual aids.



Schedule and Duration of Classes & Fee Structure


How the schedule works...

  •     Classes for each level are held once a week.
  •     The duration of a class is at least one and a half hours, though it might spill over a little.
  •     The Faculty can schedule extra classes individually or for the whole class, in consultation with the students especially before examinations or a show. (no extra charges will accrue for these classes)
  •     Students must coordinate with Faculty and schedule time to finish projects, rehearse, or shoot on their own.

Fee Structure (not including examination fees)

Finishing School Level 1 [1 month course]  - Rs. 6000/- per month (Registration – Rs. 1000/-)

Finishing School Level 2 [1 month course]  - Rs. 6500/- per month (Registration – Rs. 1000/-)

Finishing School Level 3 [1 month course]  - Rs. 7000/- per month (Registration – Rs. 1000/-)

Finishing School Level 4 [1 month course]  - Rs. 7500/- per month (Registration – Rs. 1000/-)

**(Tuition fees may be reviewed annually)

Download Forms:
Leve1 1      Leve1 2      Leve1 3      Leve1 4

It is not enough to be Good. You need to be Excellent.
The difference lies in the Details.
Any learning experience requires Considerable Effort.
But... one shouldn't forget to have fun.



Lets Talk...


Contact Information

Near Gariahat Crossing

Kolkata, West Bengal

WhatsApp: 9051953890

Say hello!