

Recognizing Depression ...

In the complex world that we live in today, whether in the workplace or among acquaintances or amidst our extended family members, people many-a-times encounter problems of depression. This state of mind is not attributed to any fault of the person concerned or lack of his/her efficiency. Yet, when caught in depression, it must not be overlooked or neglected because it’s treatable and in the long run recovery rate is fast. A person caught in depression is recommended to visit a psychiatrist or sometimes a Clinical Psychologist, both medically specialized in ameliorating mental disturbances as well as improving the mental health of a depressed person.

Treatment for depression must not be put off or postponed by the fear of stigma or the belief that ‘it will take care of itself’. But how does one know whether he/she is depressed? There are some common signs.

When the feeling of melancholy and/or disinterest in our routine activities extends to more than 2 weeks, that is a definite sign of depression. Furthermore, activities that we enjoyed earlier, no longer seem to impart any pleasure. If these conditionspersist for at least a fortnight,we must seek help.

Symptoms such as diminished motivation leading to diminished productivity, inability to deliver parental care or decreased interest in socializing, all of which impair positive functioning, point to a depressive state of mind.

Another sign of depression is related to eating behaviour. We may eat too less or too much. Preparing meals may feel burdensome. Conversely, intense negative thoughts with dampened self-esteem can lead to eating binges.

Sometimes, when in a depressed state, we may tend to sleep too much or too little. We may feel fatigued despite sufficient sleep. Conversely, we may suffer from insomnia or disturbed sleep because of obsessive thoughts about past failures or other worries, called “binge thinking.” Improper sleep affects the brain with non-synchronous functioning and we become tired, lose concentration, and become incapable of coping with everyday life.

Depression may also make us irritable. Small things set us off,we snap at loved ones as well as others. This is a result of exacerbated hormonal changes. But overwhelming emotions can also trigger depression accompanied with anger and irritation.

Depression can easily cause forgetfulness at work or home. Our thoughts are overshadowed with thoughts of excessive emptiness or sadness. This, in turn, impairs our concentration and memory.

Anhendonia, a sign of depression, refers to a person’s inability to enjoy things which they found pleasure in, earlier. In such a state, we tend to avoid people and friends whose company we used to enjoy. A Catch 22 situation arises and the only thing that can bring us out of the depression is fun activities but we do not want to do fun activities.

Constant negative thoughts or thinking pessimistically such as feeling worthless, or being low on self-esteem and confidence can also connote that we are depressed. A sense of guilt – whether justified or not – sometimes leads to clinical depression. Examples can be a failed relationship or loss of a job.

Suicidal thoughts are often a constant accompaniment when we are depressed. This is a dangerous symptom and immediate clinical help is recommended.

Often our depression is associated with overwhelming fear and anxiety. Such levels of anxiety interfere with our day-to-day functioning. We feel panicky, are surrounded by persistent negative thoughts resulting in fast heartbeats, excessive sweating, and sleep disorders. If we experience uncontrollable anxietywe urgently need psychiatric help.

Depression may also result in low reserves of energy. We suffer from feelings of fatigue, lethargy, bursts of emotional pain and find it difficult to do routine tasks. Even the thought of starting the day can seem insurmountable.

Often the emotional pains that we go through as a result of depression translate into body aches and subsequently, physical ailments such as nausea, pain in the back and neck, stomach problems and headaches.

When there is too much sadness, too much distress, and depression weighs heavy and dark, there is help available right out there. We are all unique, each one of us and we are here for a time period because we all have a purpose. We might not be aware of this but it has been proven to be true. We need to simply boost our mental stability and develop good physical health.

It needs mention that the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared depression as a worldwide ailment of mental health of the people, of a most common order, but which is definitely curable.

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