About Us



Act, Interact, Transform...

Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark, in the hopeless swamps of the approximate, the not-quite, the not-yet, the not-at-all.

Do not let the hero in your soul perish, in lonely frustration for the life you deserved, but have never been able to reach.

Check your road and the nature of your battle.

The world you desired can be won. It exists, it is real, it is possible, it is yours.

-Ayn Rand

At Persona our aim is to assist and guide your holistic development, whatever your age, as a successful, contented individual as well as a member of society.

The academic qualifications gathered from the various educational institutions, mostly prepare you for a good career, in a classroom setting.

As the saying goes, it is very difficult to totally fail in a classroom, unless you are not trying at all. The same is not true of real life though. It is very, very easy to fail in life, even with all the effort you put in.

For life we need to make informed, knowledgeable choices. One can fail even then, but not completely. A new door opens.

Our Courses sharpen both Professional & Personal skills, more through practice than theory. We prepare - not only for earning a Living, but for handling Life.

Most of us have spent a major chunk of our school and college years striving to maximize our grades, which would enable us to gain entrance in good higher academic institutes or professional setups.

However, when we actually enter the battlefield of building a career and making life decisions, choosing professions, facing interviews, making personal life choices, and dealing with the challenges of day to day living, we find ourselves falling short, sometimes confused and unprepared.

Our development is unbalanced too much in favour of pure academics. By the time we acquire jobs, attempts are sometimes made by various corporate institutions to train in other skills. But by then the job pressures are extreme, preventing, in the case of most individuals, effective assimilation of additional skills.

Without mastering and equipping ourselves with the tools for leading a positive and planned life, progress in any career, as well as personal relationships, will stop beyond a point, irrespective of how good or bad our academic results were.

Among the many who qualify from the various institutions dotted around India, very few, in fact only a handful, reach their goals, realize their dreams, whatever they may be. This is not because most of them lack ambition, strength of mind or other qualifications. It is because those who aim for their dreams have to acquire a lot more than the dictated knowledge of uniformity.

We are there for those who have reached excellence in their lives, achieved their dreams but have not lost their quest for higher achievements. We hone their skills further.

We are also there for those who have progressed beyond the beginning, who are stuck in a rut in their professional as well as personal lives, those who are suddenly facing an empty nest, the children grown and gone, those who dream of utilizing their latent talents, those who are still searching for a meaningful purpose to their lives, for that search never really ends.

Your limitation is only your imagination.


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Contact Information

Near Gariahat Crossing

Kolkata, West Bengal

WhatsApp: 9051953890


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